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Indi­vid­u­als with joint, sprains, frac­tures ben­e­fit from this pro­to­col. Recov­ery time is typ­i­cal­ly reduced to about 1/3, or less of nor­mal time.

Also… It is very impor­tant to use PEMF Nutri­ent Spray. Repeat­ed PEMF use depletes nutri­ents from the injured area and can cause increased dis­com­fort with long term expo­sure. PEMF nutri­ent spray restores these nutri­ents and sup­ports faster heal­ing.

Dis­com­fort will usu­al­ly resolve after the first pulse treat­ment. Inflam­ma­tion decreas­es almost imme­di­ate­ly. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO AVOID OVER-STRESS. The pro­to­col reduces pain, and accel­er­ates heal­ing. Take it easy while you recov­er.

PEMF is 1 of sev­er­al parts of the rec­om­mend­ed pro­to­col.  Please see the Injury Care Site for com­plete detail.

First Ses­sion:

Pulse Pro­to­col 1–3x dai­ly

Pulse Pro­to­col
Posi­tion Time (min) Image Repeat
Joint Wrap
Dai­ly or when pain returns
Through Joint
Dai­ly or when pain returns
Across Joint
Dai­ly or when pain returns

Typ­i­cal Results

Most indi­vid­u­als expe­ri­ence a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in dis­com­fort imme­di­ate­ly. Relief lasts from 1 hour to 2 days. Injury heal­ing time reduced by 1/2 to 2/3 of nor­mal.


Pain is the best indi­ca­tor of when to repeat pro­to­col. Do NOT OVERUSE joint. The

absence of pain does not mean that the joint is ful­ly healed.

There will be a ten­den­cy for the dura­tion of pain relief to increase as the joint heals.


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PEMF Live – Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy