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Unexpected Responses

An unex­pect­ed response is a phys­i­cal response not antic­i­pat­ed by the pub­lished research data regard­ing PEMF.Categories of unex­pect­ed Respons­es:


PEMF has mul­ti­ple ben­e­fi­cial effects on bac­te­r­i­al infec­tions. In some cas­es the response is high­ly effec­tive. The fol­low­ing obser­va­tions occurred in a 1 of 1 ratio (at this time), mean­ing that the response is like­ly sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant, but repro­ducibil­i­ty is unknown.

MRSA - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Two expo­sures of the same indi­vid­ual to the right knee. MRSA infec­tion con­tract­ed dur­ing surgery 5 years pri­or. First expo­sure obser­va­tions:
  • Improved range of motion — imme­di­ate;
  • Old scar began to drain yel­low flu­id with­in 15 min­utes;
  • Result­ed in yel­low flu­id drain­ing with­in 15 min;
  • Reduc­tion in appar­ent sever­i­ty of infec­tion not­ed;
  • Expo­sure did not resolve infec­tion;

Sec­ond Expo­sure Obser­va­tions (1 year lat­er):

  • Series of four expo­sures
  • Lesions opened and drained 1/4 cup of puss after sec­ond expo­sure;
  • Repeat­ed expo­sure appeared to increase immune response;
  • Struc­tur­al changes in knee, reduced cir­cum­fer­ence;
  • Treat­ment of liv­er resolved fatigue, sub­ject report­ed sense of “well being”;
  • Drainage of joint con­tin­ued for approx­i­mate­ly two weeks;
  • Applied ePad con­tin­u­ous­ly while ther­a­py not active;
  • Sub­ject con­tin­ued ePad use after PEMF no longer avail­able.
  • One of one cas­es.

Oral Abscess — Two of Two Cases

Two sub­jects used PEMF to treat den­tal dis­com­fort pri­or to sched­uled root canals. Each treat­ment was approx­i­mate­ly two days pri­or to the root canal appoint­ment. Each sub­ject used a small probe to apply high inten­si­ty to the area.Both sub­jects can­celled the root canal appoints because the appar­ent need resolved.


PEMF expo­sure has pro­duced recov­ery respons­es in a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als. These are:

We con­tin­ue to eval­u­ate these respons­es to deter­mine and improve repro­ducibil­i­ty.

Arthritic Joint Regeneration

This appar­ent repro­ducibil­i­ty of this effect is over 50% of the time when an indi­vid­ual does not expe­ri­ence and adverse response to ini­tial expo­sure. Repeat­ed expo­sures nor­mal­ly result in Sig­nif­i­cant Cumu­la­tive Response.

Tooth Regeneration

Case His­to­ry. A 33 year old woman had a tooth removed. That evening she used a PEMF device for a 20 minute expo­sure to treat the dis­com­fort of the surgery site.Approximately one week lat­er she noticed dis­com­fort in the for­mer tooth site. She returned to the den­tist who took an X‑Ray. The radi­ograph showed a new tooth form­ing.

Lat­er she noticed dis­com­fort in her oth­er den­tal work. Upon fol­low-up to the den­tist he observed re-for­ma­tion of tooth sur­faces below most of her exist­ing den­tal work.

Accelerated Wound Healing

A 47 year old woman in good health expe­ri­enced a sprained ankle. The ankle turned pur­ple with­in 10 min­utes and she was unable to walk. She has a his­tor­i­cal­ly high tol­er­ance for dis­com­fort hav­ing deliv­ered 5 chil­dren with­out com­plaint or pain med­ica­tion, two of the deliv­er­ies were breach.Applied PEMF and ePad post injury. PEMF was reap­plied when pain recur­rence for approx­i­mate­ly 30 min­utes.

Recov­ery Bench­marks:

  • Three days post injury she walked 1/2 mile with a splint
  • Four days retired splint;
  • Sev­en days, report­ed ful­ly recov­ered

Recov­ery per­for­mance has been repro­duced with high reli­a­bil­i­ty. Mul­ti­ple repro­duc­tions of the ther­a­py report:

  • Con­sis­tent reduc­tion heal­ing time of approx­i­mate­ly 75% (heal­ing in about 1/4) expect­ed time;
  • No appar­ent ten­den­cy for rein­jury — sug­gest­ing near com­plete regen­er­a­tion;
  • Sub­stan­tial reduc­tion of injury relat­ed dis­com­fort;
  • Reduced ten­den­cy for scar tis­sue for­ma­tion.

More Infor­ma­tion:


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  1. […] Reduced Agglu­ti­na­tion­PEMF Reduced Poik­ilo­cy­to­sisTyp­i­calMem­brane Pathol­o­gy Stage Matrix­Sub­mit Sur­veyUn­ex­pect­e­dReport Unex­pectedAd­verseRe­port Advers­eSur­vey Results­S­cience­Dr. CargileEn­er­getic Nutri­ent […]

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