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Expected Response Guide

A response is a phys­i­cal effect pro­duced by PEMF expo­sure. This pub­li­ca­tion reflects thou­sands of obser­va­tions from PEMF use with TSDDs devices dat­ing back to 1900.

PEMF ther­a­py is broad­ly applic­a­ble in a wide range of con­di­tions because it appears to improve cel­lu­lar ener­gy metab­o­lism relat­ing to vir­tu­al­ly all aspects of both health and dis­ease.

There is an over­whelm­ing ten­den­cy for pos­i­tive respons­es. A pos­i­tive response means the indi­vid­ual “feels bet­ter” after expo­sure. The per­ceived response reflects the ten­den­cy of the phys­i­o­log­i­cal influ­ences to be strong­ly pos­i­tive, where the enhanced cel­lu­lar ener­gy pro­vide both relief and improved heal­ing.

The fol­low­ing table indi­cates the typ­i­cal pos­i­tive to neg­a­tive response ratio rel­a­tive to health sta­tus.

  • Neg­a­tive respons­es sug­gest nox­ious tox­i­c­i­ty;
  • Tox­i­c­i­ty that caus­es a neg­a­tive response usu­al­ly caused the main symp­tom;
  • Indi­vid­u­als with degen­er­ate health are more like­ly to have nox­ious tox­i­c­i­ty;
  • Adverse respons­es to pro­longed PEMF expo­sure sug­gest Ener­getic Nutri­ent Deple­tion;
  • A neg­a­tive response sug­gests PEMF to the liv­er will help — easy does it.
Basic Health Sta­tus Pos/Neg Response Ratio Ini­tialSymp­tom Reduc­tion Response Dura­tion Sig­nif­i­cant Cumu­la­tiveResponse Ini­tial Treat­ment Lim­it Neg­a­tive Respons­es Caus­es
Good 1000:1(Never observed)
4–6 daysAcute
~2 Weeks
30 Min
Ener­getic Nutri­ent Deple­tion with pro­longed expo­sure.
Fair 200:1
3–5 days
2–8 Weeks
20 Min
Chron­ic joint dis­com­fort, arthri­tis, degen­er­a­tion. Swamped Exit Path
Degen­er­ate 100:1
2–5 days
4–12 Weeks
Swamped Exit Path,Tox­in Back­flow
Patho­log­i­cal 30:1
1–4 days
8–16 Weeks
Swamped Exit Path,Tox­in Back­flow
Severe 10:1
.25 — 2 days
12–32 Weeks Swamped Exit Path,Tox­in Back­flow

Basic Health Status

Descrip­tion refers to the gen­er­al con­di­tion of the indi­vid­ual. As a gen­er­al guide­line, the degree of core health strong­ly influ­ences the prob­a­ble treat­ment expe­ri­ence. See Mem­brane Pathol­o­gy Matrix for more infor­ma­tion


  • Indi­vid­u­als who exer­cise reg­u­lar­ly with­out dis­com­fort;
  • Sleep at least 8solid hours every night;
  • Report they wake up rest­ed;
  • Report good ener­gy dur­ing day;
  • Have zero dis­ease diag­no­sis;
  • Take no pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions.


  • Report minor per­sis­tent dis­com­fort in under two joints;
  • Issue has exist­ed for less than six months;
  • Sleep at least 7 hours at night;
  • Report at most minor peri­od­ic fatigue;
  • Occa­sion­al use of pain med­ica­tion.


  • Report long term dis­com­fort;
  • Report day­time fatigue three or less days week­ly;
  • Struc­tur­al degen­er­a­tion in joint;
  • One chron­ic dis­ease diag­no­sis less than six months;
  • Two or less pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions;
  • One out of range mark­er in blood chem­istry.


  • Chron­ic dis­ease diag­no­sis for more than six months;
  • More than two out of range mark­ers in blood chem­istry;
  • Any indi­ca­tor for an autoim­mune dis­ease;
  • Report day­time fatigue five or less days week­ly;
  • Four or less pre­scrip­tions
  • Less than six hours of good qual­i­ty sleep


  • Any chron­ic neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tion;
  • Any autoim­mune dis­ease diag­no­sis;
  • Per­pet­u­al fatigue;
  • Any con­di­tion which exceeds the lim­its above.

Toxin Backflow Test (TB Test)

The (TB Test) is rec­om­mend­ed for any per­son who has a health sta­tus less than fair. The TB test involves pick­ing a joint with dis­com­fort and doing a short term PEMF expo­sure. This expo­sure should be last from 1–3 min­utes depend­ing on health sta­tus. Do the test as a series of 1 minute expo­sures. After each expo­sure deter­mine if the dis­com­fort in the treat­ment area is less or more than pri­or to the test.

Indi­vid­u­als with tox­in back­flow will like­ly expe­ri­ence minor increased dis­com­fort after the ini­tial short term expo­sure. If the indi­vid­ual fails the TB test con­sid­er a phys­i­ol­o­gy eval­u­a­tion to devel­op a detox­i­fi­ca­tion strat­e­gy.

Pos/Neg Response Ratio

The pos­i­tive to neg­a­tive response ratio is the prob­a­ble num­ber of indi­vid­u­als like­ly to expe­ri­ence a neg­a­tive response based on unrec­og­nized occur­rence Neg­a­tive Response Cause present with the indi­vid­ual at the time of treat­ment.

This num­ber reflects the prob­a­ble obser­va­tion of a pos­i­tive ther­a­py response.

Initial Symptom Reduction

This num­ber indi­cates the prob­a­ble reduc­tion in discomfort/symptom as a result of a sin­gle ther­a­py ses­sion on an affect­ed area for the amount of Response Dura­tion.

Note that the symp­tom reduc­tion reflects the ten­den­cy for symp­toms to be reduced for the dura­tion of time indi­cat­ed. The sick­er the indi­vid­ual the more time, ener­gy and detox­i­fi­ca­tion will be need­ed to enable heal­ing.

Response Duration

This is the amount of time the symp­tom reduc­tion for a treat­ment is like­ly to last.

Treat­ment usu­al­ly pro­vides durable relief. Suc­ces­sive expo­sures tend to cre­ate more durable respons­es because the body was able to increase heal­ing after each expo­sure. Gen­er­al­ly the amount of time between the dis­com­fort which moti­vates treat­ments increas­es with heal­ing progress enabled by treat­ment.

The dura­tion of the ther­a­peu­tic response nor­mal­ly reflects:

  • The amount of ener­gy the body was able to absorb from expo­sure;
  • The amount of time it takes the body to use up the ener­gy;
  • The amount of dam­age present in the area, which deter­mines the heal­ing process.

It is bet­ter to do two short treat­ments sep­a­rat­ed by sev­er­al hours amount of time than it is to do one long treat­ment for recov­ery of acute injury or trau­ma.

Significant Cumulative Response

This num­ber indi­cates the amount of time required to pro­duce a sig­nif­i­cant cumu­la­tive response. It indi­cates the amount of time like­ly to pro­duce sig­nif­i­cant heal­ing for the par­tic­u­lar issue.

For exam­ple, for an indi­vid­ual in good con­di­tion is like­ly to expe­ri­ence sub­stan­tial res­o­lu­tion of a bro­ken bone or sprain in about two weeks. This has been repro­duced numer­ous times.

Initial Treatment Limit

This num­ber rec­om­mends a max­i­mum first time expo­sure for an indi­vid­ual to avoid a neg­a­tive response. Gen­er­al­ly the indi­vid­u­als in bet­ter phys­i­cal con­di­tion expe­ri­ence more response from longer expo­sure.

Indi­vid­u­als who do not exhib­it a neg­a­tive response after an ini­tial expo­sure can usu­al­ly increase expo­sure by 20% per ses­sion with­out pro­vok­ing a neg­a­tive response. Mon­i­tor the ther­a­peu­tic response. Do not con­tin­ue treat­ment beyond the point of dimin­ish­ing returns.

Treat­ment that exceeds 15 min­utes on a sin­gle loca­tion may trig­ger Ener­getic Nutri­ent Deple­tion requir­ing top­i­cal or sys­temic nutri­ents to restore nor­mal nutri­ent bal­ance.

Negative Response Cause

In cas­es where the per­ceived response is neg­a­tive, one or more of the fol­low­ing effects are like­ly the cause:

  1. Over­whelmed exit path. Increased cel­lu­lar exchange from elec­tro­po­ra­tion, releas­es more cel­lu­lar waste than the body can remove at the time. This caus­es a Herx­heimer’s Reac­tion. This response per­sists until the body dis­pos­es of the waste dumped by the cells. This response indi­cates poor bod­i­ly flow and indi­cates need for sys­temic detox­i­fi­ca­tion.
  2. Tox­in Back­flow. Increased cel­lu­lar enables tox­ins accu­mu­lat­ed in extra­cel­lu­lar flu­ids to reen­ter cells. Tox­in back­flow indi­cates acute lym­phat­ic tox­in accu­mu­la­tion, and strong­ly indi­cates a need to sup­port local or whole body detox­i­fi­ca­tion process. Tox­in Back­flow is nor­mal­ly indi­cat­ed by increased dis­com­fort after a brief expo­sure to PEMF.
  3. Ener­getic Nutri­ent Deple­tion. Cel­lu­lar ener­getic acti­va­tion up reg­u­lates cel­lu­lar ener­gy. Ele­vat­ed activ­i­ty changes the rate at which cells uti­lize avail­able nutri­ents. In cas­es of pro­longed PEMF expo­sure.
  4. Deple­tion of cel­lu­lar nutri­ents can cause symp­toms result­ing from local deple­tion of these ener­getic nutri­ent sub­strates which sup­port oth­er meta­bol­ic process­es. Ener­getic Nutri­ent Deple­tion is nor­mal­ly indi­cat­ed by dis­com­fort result­ing from pro­longed PEMF expo­sure.  See Note.

PEMF Expo­sure up-reg­u­lates cel­lu­lar metab­o­lism to the extent that ATP sub­strates are deplete (Gold­fein — US Army), and oth­er cell func­tions that rely on these sub­strates dys­func­tion.  For more infor­ma­tion please see Ener­getic Nutri­ent Deple­tion.  Use Cell Ener­gy Nutri­ent Spray to pre­vent this effect.


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