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First Time

The first chal­lenge of a PEMF device is prop­er usage. PEMF devices pro­duce an almost imme­di­ate ben­e­fit, with very rare adverse respons­es.  This pro­to­col enables a self guid­ed ini­tial ther­a­py expe­ri­ence.

This series assures a suc­cess­ful PEMF expe­ri­ence with progress eval­u­a­tion, and ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of fac­tors that may result non-typ­i­cal response.  The result is a suc­cess­ful first-time expe­ri­ence, with reduced dis­com­fort, and ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of non-typ­i­cal response.

If you’ve had an expe­ri­ence where PEMF helped you… Please Sub­mit a Sur­vey.

Our sur­veys help oth­ers to see more than a sin­gle expe­ri­ence in sim­ple tes­ti­mo­ni­al. Data which shows what mul­ti­ple peo­ple that a tech­nol­o­gy helped group of peo­ple is more cred­i­ble.

This page pro­vides access to meth­ods for using var­i­ous PEMF devices.






    • ashok on March 1, 2012 at 5:19 am
    • Reply

    _Truth which med­ical com­mu­ni­ty may take decades to under­stand.

    1. Upton Sin­clair: “It is dif­fi­cult to get a man to under­stand some­thing, when his salary depends upon his not under­stand­ing it!”

  1. Excel­lent pre­sen­ta­tions. How do I down­load the mobile app?

    I hope I can qual­i­fy for the financ­ing. Sit­u­a­tion­al his­to­ry is, 20 years ago I was mak­ing $325K/yr, first year in hyperbarics/wound care I made near­ly $500,000, then as the cor­po­ra­tion which owned the main wound cen­ter in town also owned con­trol in the sur­gi­cen­ter I was work­ing at was cha­grinned at my beat­ing them sin­gle hand­ed­ly, they first want­ed a merg­er (which, as non-own­er, I could­n’t arrange), then sent their insur­ance guy to be my new admin­is­tra­tor to starve me out by chang­ing all the insur­ance con­tract arrange­ments, then as they had no con­tract to can­cel, they resort­ed to sham peer review which I won, then libel and slan­der which hurt my local busi­ness and led to my mov­ing out here. Ist CA employ­er had just been fined by the IRS >$77K and they switched our agreed con­tract to a ridicu­lous one after my arrival, and I worked 6 weeks with­out pay. I then moved to anoth­er facil­i­ty and after three weeks am only now start­ing to gen­er­ate an income. This won’t look great on the appli­ca­tion, but I’ve always man­aged to rise to the top when giv­en a chance. An attor­ney under­took a mul­ti­mil­lion libel suit against the hos­pi­tal corp which is men­tioned above, but that will set­tle in a few years prob­a­bly (he’s work­ing con­tin­gency, if that tells you how legit­i­mate he thinks the suit is).

    Point being, I’m start­ing over after a very pun­ish­ing bat­tle against the local/national “big boys”, and could use a lit­tle con­fi­dence from some­one despite my not being able to demon­strate a huge cash flow since around 2009, when the bat­tle began. Con­cen­tra Med­ical Cen­ters began as a sin­gle clin­ic in Amar­il­lo, TX, with physi­cians I knew, grew to become Occusys­tems (then Con­cen­tra) and at that point was mak­ing $700,000 per year with 2 docs and a P.A. plus three nurses/techs. When I signed on I became the sole doc, yet in three years increased their income to $1.7 million/year. Wher­ev­er I’ve been I’ve been pro­mot­ed with­out seek­ing same (man­ag­ing part­ner of a $3.2M/year EM group, Cre­den­tials Com­mit­tee Chief, Exec. Com­mit­tee Mem­ber, direc­tor of the Con­cen­tra Clin­ic, Pres­i­dent of the next ED group, direc­tor of the wound care ser­vice after that and Board Mem­ber of the sur­gi­cen­ter, so with a chance to move for­ward in new ter­ri­to­ry I will make good on any project under­tak­en. That’s my his­to­ry, and it con­tains the sig­nif­i­cant pre­dic­tors of my reli­a­bil­i­ty, but those are not the usu­al ques­tions asked on a financ­ing agree­ment. I’ll sub­mit it but you may need to put a word in for me. Thanks, Dr. Nel­son

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