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This guide pro­vides rec­om­men­da­tions PEMF use for stroke care.  This sched­ule is orga­nized for the first sev­er­al days.  Inten­si­ty should be at the upper lim­it of com­fort in all posi­tions.

Most images for these posi­tions are in the PEMF Usage Guide.  Watch for signs of tox­i­c­i­ty, haze rings around the eyes, and feel­ing worse.  If any ses­sion results in treat­ment stress or com­plaint, use the “same day” sched­ule until there are no fur­ther com­plaints.

Beware that indi­vid­u­als who have had a stroke are high­ly tox­ic.  This sched­ule is grad­ual, but don’t be sur­prised it may be too much for some peo­ple.

We devel­oped a full sys­tem of inte­grat­ed ener­getic and bio­chem­i­cal (nutri­ent) ther­a­py that tar­gets the and detox.  Please vis­it the Stroke Care Forum for more infor­ma­tion.

Day 1:

  1. Pulse 3 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 1.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 1.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.

Day 2:

  1. Pulse 4 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.

Day 3:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.

Day 4:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.
  4. Pulse 3 min­utes on the abdomen

Day 5:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.
  4. Pulse 3 min­utes on the abdomen
  5. Pulse 3 min­utes on low­er back (very sen­si­tive)

Day 6:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.
  4. Pulse 3 min­utes on the abdomen
  5. Pulse 3 min­utes on low­er back (very sen­si­tive)
  6. Pulse 3 min­utes in neck­lace posi­tion

Day 7:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.
  4. Pulse 3 min­utes on the abdomen
  5. Pulse 3 min­utes on low­er back (very sen­si­tive)
  6. Pulse 3 min­utes in neck­lace posi­tion
  7. Pulse 3 min­utes in mid cen­ter of back

Day 8:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.
  4. Pulse 3 min­utes on the abdomen
  5. Pulse 3 min­utes on low­er back (very sen­si­tive)
  6. Pulse 3 min­utes in neck­lace posi­tion
  7. Pulse 3 min­utes in mid cen­ter of back
  8. Pulse 3 min­utes with face through loop

Day 9+:

  1. Pulse 5 min­utes on the liv­er
  2. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened across the back of the head.  Loops around ears.
  3. Pulse 2.5 min­utes with joint probe opened, one loop on top of the head the oth­er on the back of the head.
  4. Pulse 3 min­utes on the abdomen
  5. Pulse 3 min­utes on low­er back (very sen­si­tive)
  6. Pulse 3 min­utes in neck­lace posi­tion
  7. Pulse 3 min­utes in mid cen­ter of back
  8. Pulse 3 min­utes with face through loop
  9. Pulse 5 min­utes on any joint dis­com­fort

The ongo­ing treat­ment time is for 30 min­utes.   Use sched­ule for day 9+ ongo­ing.


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