Presentation describes several dominant factors in physiology. Cell membrane integrity and performance is not addressed in most healing systems.
Advances in cellular science :
The intra/extra cellular pH differential is a battery ;
Cell membrane receptors use the battery ;
A weak battery means receptors can’t work well ;
Membrane Power drives membrane functions;
Toxins & weak lipids short out the battery and drain power .
New Connections in cell science:
Membrane breakdown is progressive;
Phase angle correlates with cellular potassium;
Phase angle telltales membrane dielectric quality ;
Electrically weak membranes cannot produce potassium;
Because both pH Voltage and membrane strength are necessary;
for healing , anabolic, metabolism .
New modeling for chronic disease :
Chronic Disease is a self-reinforcing loop ;
Always more than one cause working together;
Must break the causal loop to resolve chronic disease;
Multiple causes require multiple interventions;
Most chronic diseases follow anabolic breakdown.
New Tools to improve metabolism:
Phase Angle Therapy is a new treatment model:
Weak membrane integrity is a hidden cause of disease;
Membrane electrical performance is the missing therapy link ;
Phase angle optimization is a reliable metric;
Membrane integrity required for anabolic healing.
Pulsed Fields are a powerful tool:
Pulsed Fields tug/nudge polar lipids to groom lipid structure;
Lipid grooming improves cell voltage;
Organized lipids improve dielectric strength;
Organization decreases toxin fit;
PEMF Help restart anabolic metabolism;
Electroporation drives cellular respiration;
Accelerates hydrophilic detoxification;
Enables lipophilic toxin release.