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Adverse Response Analysis

PEMF is so effec­tive so often that there is a ten­den­cy for some to believe that it is a mag­ic bul­let. This is not true. There are some cir­cum­stances where PEMF can increase symp­toms and dis­com­fort. Our goal pub­lish­ing this infor­ma­tion is to cat­a­log and study these expe­ri­ences, improve use of the tech­nol­o­gy, and to avoid harm.This page con­tains analy­sis for cas­es where PEMF pro­duced a neg­a­tive response. In all cas­es to date: Neg­a­tive respons­es evi­dence a big­ger sys­temic prob­lem is caus­ing a par­tic­u­lar symp­tom.

Pri­ma­ry Goals:

  • Describe the phys­i­o­log­i­cal con­di­tions that can result neg­a­tive respons­es;
  • When pos­si­ble, explain the phys­i­ol­o­gy of a undesirable/unexpected response;
  • Guide future care;
  • Com­pile data regard­ing neg­a­tive respons­es to void future ones.


Most indi­vid­u­als who use ener­getic ther­a­py includ­ing PEMF have lost con­fi­dence in tra­di­tion­al ther­a­py. The reli­able per­for­mance of PEMF results in imme­di­ate and pro­gres­sive relief in a strong major­i­ty of cas­es.  Sur­prise is typ­i­cal.


PEMF ther­a­py is becom­ing main­stream because:

  • Of rapid­ly grow­ing recog­ni­tion that drugs which mask symp­toms do not to resolve the cause of a health prob­lem. This aware­ness forces many to look out­side the tra­di­tion­al treat­ments for real and durable answers to health chal­lenges.
  • It works imme­di­ate­ly with rare adverse effects. Typ­i­cal response sta­tis­tics eclipse per­for­mance of med­ical stan­dard of care treat­ment;
  • It usu­al­ly accel­er­ates heal­ing by sig­nif­i­cant amounts.  It is com­mon to see acute injury heal 5x faster, and to arrest/revers chron­ic con­di­tions;
  • Adverse respons­es are tem­po­rary and tend to resolve in hours or at most days.

PEMF is usu­al­ly suc­cess­ful, and often pro­duces durable recov­ery. In rare cas­es, more is required: Phys­i­ol­o­gy Analy­sis Ser­vices pro­vide answers.

Tools and methods

When pos­si­ble we employ a detailed analy­sis to deter­mine the why an indi­vid­ual expe­ri­enced an neg­a­tive response. This analy­sistar­gets major phys­i­ol­o­gy areas:

  • Tox­in accu­mu­la­tion in blood and lym­phat­ic com­part­ments;
  • Elec­trolyte Eval­u­a­tion
  • Urine and Sali­va elec­tro­phys­i­ol­o­gy, ORP, pH, Con­duc­tiv­i­ty
  • Glu­cose Sta­tus
  • Auto­nom­ic Ner­vous Sys­tem Sta­tus
  • Detailed review of exist­ing med­ical records
  • Detailed ques­tion­naire of pref­er­ences and ten­den­cies.

See Mem­ber­ship for more infor­ma­tion.

Adverse Response List

Intend­ed Result Actu­al Result Inter­pre­ta­tion Res­o­lu­tion
PEMF treat­ment of wrist of 72 year old woman. Chron­ic wrist Pain Reduce/resolve dis­com­fort in wrist joint Wrist Dis­com­fort increased and returned to orig­i­nal lev­el in 1 week. Test­ing indi­cat­ed: Sali­va ORP Ele­vat­ed, Urine NO3 lev­els 10x nor­mal. Biliru­bin & Ketones in urine indi­cat­ed sig­nif­i­cant liv­er chal­lenge. Detox pro­to­col did not resolve sys­temic issues.Developed Tox­in Back­flow Test to avoid recur­rence.
PEMF treat­ment of Botox Injec­tion site 40 year old female. Accel­er­ate effects of Botox injec­tion to reduce wrin­kles. Lesions with pus­tules formed at the injec­tions sites along with a sur­round­ing inflam­ma­tion. PEMF improved immune response to Botox tox­in caus­ing immune sys­tem to reject to for­eign agent. Lesion healed by itself.
PEMF treat­ment of low back 51 year old female Reduce post sur­gi­cal dis­com­fort and acceller­ate heal­ing. Reduced dis­com­fort. Nau­sea start­ed at about 8 min­utes. PEMF on trau­ma­tized tis­sue enabled release of stored tox­ins. Tox­ins entered cir­cu­la­tion and increased liv­er stress, which caused nau­sea sen­sa­tion. Nau­sea resolved after 20 min­utes of rest. Advise lim­it PEMF expo­sure to mult­ple 5 minute ses­sions sep­a­rat­ed by 1 hour to con­trol dis­com­fort.
PEMF treat­ment of Vari­cose Veins 74 year old male. Sub­ject sought to improve vas­cu­lar health by direct tis­sue treat­ment hop­ing to restore tis­sue integri­ty of degen­er­ate veins. Vein rup­tured caus­ing bleed­ing after expo­sure. PEMF reduced cap­il­lary inflam­ma­tion in cap­il­lary beds that fed veins. Restored pulse pres­sure from restored cap­il­lary cir­cu­la­tion exceed­ed con­tain­ment strength of degen­er­ate veins result­ing in bleed­ing. Bleed­ing stopped by itself with applied pres­sure.
Seizures Inten­si­fied after 1 minute test expo­sure to head 33 year old male. Reduce/eliminate seizures. Seizures increased. Test­ing indi­cat­ed 10x nor­mal elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­i­ty in extra­cel­lu­lar com­part­ment. Con­duc­tive tox­ins were “short­ing out” nerve sig­nals result­ing in seizures Seizures stopped with 24 hours of start­ing lym­phat­ic detox pro­to­col.
Back pain increased post ther­a­py, sen­sa­tion of pulse in head for 5 days post ther­a­py 43 year old male Reduce Back pain Increased back pain and caused puls­ing sen­sa­tion in head. Review of MRI showed 5 her­ni­at­ed disks invad­ing spinal cord. Pres­sure on spine caused a nat­ur­al spinal block. that blocked pain from low­er sources.

Reduced inflam­ma­tion caused invad­ing disks to with­draw from spinal cord, open­ing spinal block, enabling pain from low­er sources reach brain.

Puls­ing sen­sa­tion occured when reduced disk inva­sion opened spine canal to restore nat­ur­al spinal pulse.

Pre­vi­ous con­di­tion resolved nat­u­ral­ly at 5 days. Inflam­ma­tion returned, restored spinal block, and blocked spinal flu­id flow.

* PEMF often improves seizures due to prob­a­ble improve­ment in nerve sig­nal integri­ty. Adverse response due to elec­tro­po­ra­tion like­ly indi­cates accu­mu­la­tion of tox­ins in flu­ids sur­round­ing nerves.



    • Fausto Chavez on June 10, 2011 at 7:32 pm
    • Reply

    Just because a hand­ful a patients expe­ri­enced adverse affects does not negate the over­whelm­ing ben­e­fits that the major­i­ty of PEMF users have expe­ri­enced.

    1. Indeed. Thank you for your com­ment.

  1. Many instances above appear to indi­cate that heal­ing was tak­ing place because areas that were not get­ting cir­cu­la­tion have been desen­si­tized. Now that there is cir­cu­la­tion, heal­ing can progress which should be a bit painful.

    I have per­son­al­ly had the same reac­tion on my shoul­der which had respond­ed rather favor­ably to pre­vi­ous PEMF treat­ments. My shoul­der actu­al­ly became more painful for a lit­tle while. The next day the pain was gone and my shoul­der has nev­er felt bet­ter!

    Remem­ber, this is not a “mag­i­cal” device. Your own body has to heal itself. Go to and click on videos. It shows invit­ro what hap­pens to your red blood cells after PEMF ener­gy is applied. Using this up-reg­u­la­tion of your own cells heal­ing mech­a­nisms should be fol­lowed up with nor­mal phys­i­cal ther­a­py. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, phys­i­cal ther­a­py com­pa­nies do not know about this tech­nol­o­gy yet. But that is chang­ing slow­ly.

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