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Expected Response Guide A response is a physical effect produced by PEMF exposure. This publication reflects thousands of observations from PEMF use with TSDDs devices dating back to 1900. PEMF therapy is broadly applicable in a wide range of conditions because it appears to improve cellular energy metabolism relating to virtually all aspects of both …
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Unexpected Responses An unexpected response is a physical response not anticipated by the published research data regarding PEMF.Categories of unexpected Responses: Bacteriostatic Regenerative Bacteriostatic PEMF has multiple beneficial effects on bacterial infections. In some cases the response is highly effective. The following observations occurred in a 1 of 1 ratio (at this time), meaning that …
Adverse Response Analysis PEMF is so effective so often that there is a tendency for some to believe that it is a magic bullet. This is not true. There are some circumstances where PEMF can increase symptoms and discomfort. Our goal publishing this information is to catalog and study these experiences, improve use of the …
Survey Results
Here are the survey results based on all respondents: