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Energetic Nutrient Depletion

Energy Nutrient Depletion

Ener­getic nutri­ent deple­tion is a new dis­cov­ery in cel­lu­lar ener­getic metab­o­lism.  Cer­tain ele­ments are crit­i­cal to cel­lu­lar ener­gy pro­duc­tion.  It was a dis­cov­ery that cer­tain min­er­als resolved this deple­tion.

This author dis­cov­ered this doing pro­longed PEMF expo­sure research. This author had a long-term pelvic dis­com­fort, which seemed degen­er­ate. This author applied exper­i­men­tal pro­longed PEMF ther­a­py, for 1+ hour on the affect­ed area.

Long term expo­sure result­ed in very increased dis­com­fort and func­tion­al joint immo­bil­i­ty — result­ing in 2+ days of crawl­ing (indig­nant).

PEMF is usu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial — but there is a real lim­it to the per­for­mance. Heal­ing is always rate lim­it­ed by some­thing, usu­al­ly miss­ing.

There had to be a rea­son, What was the cause?

As an exper­i­ment, this author blend­ed con­cen­trat­ed min­er­als with DMSO and applied the spray top­i­cal­ly. This author was able to walk with­in 30 min­utes, and run with­in 3 hours.  This exper­i­ment evi­denced long term PEMF expo­sure cre­at­ed nutri­ent defi­cien­cy, which inter­fered with col­lat­er­al phys­i­o­log­i­cal func­tion.

Symp­toms, like­ly result­ing form nutri­ent deple­tion inhibit­ing neu­ro­log­i­cal and cel­lu­lar per­for­mance ful­ly resolved with­in 12 hours. Full joint mobil­i­ty ful­ly returned with­in 3 hours. As of this writ­ing is 30 days post expe­ri­ence no fur­ther dis­com­fort has occurred.


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