An answer to my prayers

In 2003 I had my thy­roid removed due to can­cer.  As part of my treat­ment I was giv­en a radi­a­tion pill but had a severe reac­tion to it.  I was burned inside; my cells were dead, I turned grey.  My doc­tors had no idea what hap­pened to me or what to do about it.  I had sev­er­al years of weak­ness and pain.

In 2007 I vis­it­ed Whole Health Net­work at the sug­ges­tion of my chi­ro­prac­tor.  I used the Magna Pulse Pulsed Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Field (PEMF) ther­a­py and Exer­cise with Oxy­gen Ther­a­py once a week.  After about 6 months an x‑ray showed my lungs were clear.  As an ordained min­is­ter, I cred­it God first but know that the meth­ods WHN used with me were an answer to my prayers.

Cin­da Jacquith, Fort Collins, CO



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    Could you make a list the com­plete urls of all your com­mu­nal pages like your
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    1. On face­book all of our news feeds repli­cate on
      Best answer is to sub­scribe to our newslet­ter at our home page:

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