Let us share our what we’ve learned about PEMF with you

Most peo­ple who vis­it with us, do so to learn whether Pulsed Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Field Ther­a­py (or PEMF) will be help­ful with their own health or that of a loved one (includ­ing ani­mals),  or to decide whether they should add it to their prac­tice.

As a back­ground it may be use­ful for you to know we are a health solu­tions com­pa­ny that oper­ates a pri­vate mem­bers clin­ic in Col­orado.  As part of cre­at­ing our ser­vices for our mem­bers, we start­ed our own ongo­ing PEMF research process about 6 years ago.

Dur­ing these 6 years we have owned a cou­ple of dif­fer­ent PEMF brands and test­ed most of the oth­ers.  Based upon our clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence with a mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent mem­bers and appli­ca­tions, we can say with con­fi­dence the Magna Pulse is pow­er­ful, eas­i­ly adapt­able, light­weight, and reli­able.  We’re not say­ing it is the only high qual­i­ty PEMF; it is the one we pre­fer.  In fact it was based upon our own suc­cess using the Magna Pulse with mem­bers that we chose to become a Magna Pulse dis­trib­u­tor.

The infor­ma­tion offered on this site is intend­ed to reduce the con­fu­sion about what PEMF is, and isn’t, and help those in need of this pow­er­ful tool to make the best choice for their needs.

What­ev­er direc­tion your research takes you, we offer the fol­low­ing insights:

  • PEMF treat­ments are safe and (usu­al­ly) pleas­ant.  Often after only 15 min­utes you can expect to expe­ri­ence less pain, greater range of motion, increased ener­gy, (per­haps) even an increased sense of well-being.
  • BUT, probe choic­es and place­ment are keys to get­ting the best result. Make cer­tain who­ev­er you are buy­ing from or being treat­ed by, has the knowl­edge and train­ing nec­es­sary to be able to train you or treat you.
  • Be wary of any­one who makes guar­an­tees ESPECIALLY about cur­ing ill­ness­es.  While we con­sid­er PEMF a most pow­er­ful tool, it is not a mag­ic bul­let.  That said, when used prop­er­ly (par­tic­u­lar­ly in con­cert with oth­er com­ple­men­tary tools like the pelvic cor­rec­tion tech­nique shown on our web­site) PEMF results can be high­ly pos­i­tive.
  • Last­ly, be wary of “orange and apple” com­par­isons.  In our 6 years of clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence we have con­clud­ed most tech­nolo­gies offer some val­ue, but some just offer FAR more than oth­ers.   In our soci­ety when one group of prod­ucts is priced in the $3,000 range and anoth­er in the $20,000 range, it is because there are sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences in engi­neer­ing, qual­i­ty, and per­for­mance.  PEMF is no dif­fer­ent.

We hope you enjoy your vis­it!

Jim Com­er­ford; www.magnapulse.com


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